December 1, 2012

Book Review: Odd Apocalypse

My book reading taste is eclectic.  Criminal Suspense, Supernatural, Historical.  As books go I get around!  My latest pick was Dean Koontz's Odd Apocalypse, an Odd Thomas novel.

Odd Apocalypse: An Odd Thomas NovelAvailable at Amazon

This series by Koonz features a young fry cook named Odd Thomas and a continuing cast of quirky characters.  I enjoyed this last installment of the series, but had my heart set for a certain chain of events that did not come to pass.  If you have read the set you will know what I mean, but I don't want to be a spoiler.  My all time favorite of the series is book one, Odd Thomas.  The other titles in the series include Brother Odd, Forever Odd, Odd Hours, and now Odd Apocalypse.   My favorite thing the writer does in all these books is share the internal thoughts of Odd.  You know...those sarcastic thoughts that roll around in our heads but are quite inappropriate to say out loud even though they are a hundred percent true?  Out loud you say hello! So glad to see you!!!   Brain thinks, "Oh crap! How do I make this brief."  Only on a larger supernatural scale.  Odd isn't it?          ~E.G.

1 comment:

  1. I do know what you mean; this is a favorite set of mine, too. I didn't realize another had come out - a must read for this winter.
    Bionic Cowgirl
