June 8, 2010

Update on Big Cree

Doug hauled Big Cree out to the vet yesterday to have her look at the laceration from Saturday. His pastern was a little puffy so we didn't want to take any chances. Dr. Cobble looked at it and said "he was one lucky horse." She said a major artery runs right through the area he cut, and that just a little deeper and he'd have cut it. We live so rural that the outcome would have been very bad...But! She said the wound looks very, very good, so what we did was right. While he was there she sedated him and removed a skin tumor that we were wanting off so the poor guy has stitches behind his right front (elbow) and his right rear all wrapped up. It however has had NO NEGATIVE EFFECT on Big Cree's appetite. This horse loves to eat. He will be antibiotics for the week, and he can go back to work in 10 days (assuming the hoof pastern injury is fully closed). ~E.G.


  1. Hey,
    I'm in the process of starting my own business and I am hoping to spread the word a little through my blogging buddies. I am making De-Lyte Bites, and electrolyte replenishing horse cookie! They come in 4 cookie servings and contain a balanced sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium electrolyte designed for sport horses. Check out www.de-lytebites.com for more info on the cookies and shoot me an email at heather@de-lytebites.com if you would like to try a sample. I would love to send you a sample to try at your next event or long ride or really hot sweaty day if you could review them on your blog for me! Thanks!

  2. Heather,

    Send me an email at jackereynolds@yahoo.com and I'll send you contact information.


