September 15, 2008

Sunday's ride 3.02 miles Time: 56:57 Avg. Speed 3.2 mpg

Wow! What can one say about being hit by hurricane force winds in INDIANA? Ike tracked its way north, and came across our part of the state in a big way yesterday. Sustained winds of 45 mph for about THREE HOURS, with gusts of 65-75 mph. Utility poles snapped off, trees down, roofs off of barns, a real mess on our road as we live atop a ridgeline. We were in Kentucky when it started and drove home in that wind, got to the turn off to our road, and there were live power lines down on the road, which was also blocked by downed trees, and a broken off utility pole. Doug parked the car and I told him I was heading for home. I had to go through the woods because of the downed power line, and just as I exited the woods I hear a tree breaking behind me. SCARED TO DEATH, thought I was going to be mashed for sure. You never seen a fat old lady run so fast in flip flops in all your life! I was very worried about my animals at home. All was well with them, but a lot of damage to the trees for the second time this year. I'm just grateful all my furbies were okay.

Twelve hour work day today, so no riding the Phebers. ~Endurance Granny

1 comment:

  1. That must have been scary! Glad you're all safe.
