March 30, 2007

First ride at the TROT....BEAUTIFUL 3.3 miles training

Oh my gosh! Phebe's has the nicest trot to post I've EVER EVER EVER experienced!!! Doug was off work today so he helped. She started off really bad this morning and I had to work her for nearly an hour to get the stink off of her, and get her to join up. So then I got on and rode her at the walk a little, then Doug came over and helped by putting her rope halter and line on her and we started trotting. She never offered to buck or act up, and her gait was so easy to ride. I can't believe I'm going to have a horse that rides like that, especially an arabian when they aren't especially known for smooth trots! I guess some of her papa FWF Magic Marker (World Champion Sr. Pleasure/ English) bred into her. So it looks like we will work on trotting, steering, and stopping for the next few weeks. (Dolly if you stop in, thanks so much for encouraging me with this horse, you know how hard she's been). ~Endurance Granny

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