April 3, 2010

Who do you look up to as Endurance Riders?

Who do you look up to as an endurance rider and why?

#1 on my local list is Bill Wilson. He is seventy-something but puts most of the young and middle aged riders to shame in this region. I want to be doing what I love as I continue to get older. I look up to his continuing to do what he loves. He also graciously shares his farm as "RIDE CAMP" for almost all of the Indiana endurance rides. So thanks Bill, all of us sure appreciate who you are and your gracious hospitality. And by the way...Bill's no slacker at endurance.

#2 also on my local list is Christine Eickleberry. She is my mentor and also our regional AERC trails advocate. It is difficult to adequately describe Chris. Part "tough old broad" vs. wonderful soft-hearted friend. She started communicating with me when this little horsey dream ignited, and she has ridden many many miles with me, and soaked a towel with cold water and flopped it on my head when I had heat exhaustion. She's also one of the darned funniest people I know and always makes me laugh. All I can ever hope to do is chase her down a trail (as I gasp for air).

#3 (but probably #1 out of my region) is Karen Chaton. You just don't ride horses that far, that many miles, over and over and over...unless you are doing something terribly right. It isn't magic. The woman knows what she is doing. She is good at it. I respect that.

#4 is someone I don't know much about as far as their ride history, but would darned sure like to meet and ride with one day is Angie Mcghee. Fact is...if you ride distance long enough, you'd better get a sense of humor. Angie's humor muscles are well conditioned :)

Let me know...WHO? and WHY?



  1. wonderful post!

    Karen Chaton - for the miles, the wonderful advice, and the inspring stories. For doing all she does barefoot. For being honest, and seeing in shades of grey instead of gloomy black and white. For her great sense of humor and for (above all) putting her horse first. She doesn't just say she puts her horse first, she lives by that.

    Dave Rabe - such a character. always helping out, a TON of miles. A very very generous, patient person. I was honored to finish my first 100 behind him. A great example. I'm such a control freak I don't let just anyone do my pacing for me, but I felt totally comfortable letting him determine pace that last loop of the 100. I can learn so much by just watching him.

    Kathy Sherman - she was so kind at my first ride, so generous when preriding Tevis, and fabulous on the day of Tevis. She geniunely CARES. I don't think there is a nicer lady in endurance.

  2. One that comes to mind right now is Stagg Newman. While he doesn't have as many miles as some of the folks out west (pretty common when looking at east vs. west) he has had two horses which have completed rides in each season over more than a ten year period (Drubin competed from '88-'07! and Super started in '98 and is still going.) He has both a respectable number of wins and top tens (with quite a few BCs) as well as middle of the pack rides. He is a great advocate for our sport, and does some great new rider meetings to help new people feel more welcome and prepared. He's also given back by serving with AERC. I'll never forget Old Dominion two years ago, watching Stagg and Super cross the finish line in the dark, to win the OD 100 for the 5th time, and more than two hours ahead of 2nd place.
