February 10, 2007

Snow, cold, what ever today the rubber had to meet the road

Phebes is just totally out of hand. Thought she would do me in today on my 49th birthday in her stall. She got me caught between the wall and her hind in, I got out of the way, but had I not...probably would not have the 50th birthday. Footing or no footing I booted her front legs and we went to the round pen. It took about five minutes of charging through the snow for her to settle down and join up. Then all her little brain gears started clicking in with licking and chewing, she backed when I backed without a cue and she yielded her front quarter with a visual cue, and her hind quarters. She sidepassed around the inside perimeter of the round pen, and did a lot of back up out of my space. Wish I could get in some sand, or deep sawdust to make the footing safer. Until a job comes my way again, just have to do with her what I can, where and when I can. The bad behavior has got to STOP. ~Endurance Granny

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