February 6, 2015

Looking for Sponsors for the new Green Bean Endurance site

Green Bean Endurance has been chugging right along.   We have a few goals in mind for the future.

*Provide a competition platform for entry level endurance (check)
*Create a website that has value for the membership (we are sure getting there)
*Recruit a mentors panel of very experienced endurance riders willing to answer questions on our
monthly "Ask the Mentor" question and answer session.  (check)
*To offer a safe harbor for new people that avoids the  Negative Nancy's of the sport, and looks to building, growing, and  nurturing a new generation of endurance riders who's goals may not align with the old school.  Let's face it, we all like different flavors, and that is where we are coming from.
*Lastly... the reason for this post:


We will be fully funded for the teams competitions through team entry fees.  It is all going back in prizes.

However, what we do need are donations to support  our monthly prize give away.  If you are an equestrian related business we will give you a nice chunk of advertising space on our website in exchange for sponsoring a prize with a donation of your product. 

What will help?   We need twelve endurance related products per year.  We need sponsors for each month of the calendar year that will ship the item direct to the winner.   The type of prizes we are looking for are:

Beta/Biothane tack items, halter bridles, reins, bit hangers, etc.

Sponge and leash.

Fly masks

Hoof boots (in pairs)

Body Glide

Monkey Butt Powder


Saddle pads

Feed coupons (free bag)

Helmet / visor lights

Lead ropes

Riding tights, socks,


Or anything an aspiring endurance rider might enjoy winning their first year in the sport.

Store credit / Gift certificates for recipient to purchase item from your store.

If you are willing to kindly sponsor a prize for the year, please contact greenbeanendurance@gmail.com

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