March 13, 2009

Going into a GET -IT-DONE Frenzy

I'm just buried in unfinished things here. Dishes need done, laundry needs caught up, the floors need swept (notice a theme here?), trash need taken to the shed.

Stalls need cleaned, feed needs unloaded, horse trailer needs set-up for tomorrow. My tack all needs checked and loaded.

No sense talkin' about to get cracking!

The news on Aruba is an upswing. So happy for Tamara, now have to go! ~E.G.


  1. Hope you have a good ride tomorrow.

    Michelle Detmer

  2. git 'r done.. am planning same here.. .ride tomorrow.. weather g-ds and all
    gp in montana

  3. E.G. -
    Having more email issues - here is what I sent you last night:

    Jacke - just got your email but I went ahead and replied to the group.

    I am so excited about riding tomorrow, I'm practically giddy. I ordered a set of Snugpax pommel bags for the saddle, but they won't ship until Monday, so they should arrive by next Saturday - are you still up for a ride then?

    My ideal ride distance would be 10 miles, but I think I should be able to survive 15. I had a short ride tonight (20 minutes!) to make sure she remembered her job, no real problem, just a little "looky". But for sure no matter what distance we do tomorrow, 10 or 15 I will be sore!

    I need to find out how to get to the parking area, if you could give me directions I'd sure appreciate it. I still have the forestry map you gave me at the Nationals, so that should help.

    I will check email periodically tonight, and I'll give you a call if I don't see anything. Can't wait!

    If you get a chance - please call me so I know where to meet you!
    Thanks, Nicole
