February 18, 2009

The Twelve Week Schedule

Wk#1: Concentrate on developing a forward walk. Ride 1/2 hour per day rain or shine. The end week goal is to ride the mile in 1/2 hour.

Wk#2: Ride 1/2 hour daily walking half the time, and trotting half the time.

Wk#3: Ride 3 one hour sessions, and ride 3 half hour sessions. Ride a measured mile at the trot and record time.

Wk#4: Ride an hour each day, do hill work, and add a 1/2 mile gallop sometime during the week.

Wk#5: Ride 10 miles walking for ten minutes and trotting for five, over rolling terrain. The other days increase the ration of trotting gradually.

Wk#6: Ride an hour daily over heavier terrain trotting at least half the time. On the weekend ride 15 miles in 3 hours over hilly terrain.

Wk#7: Ride 2 hours at an average of 6 mph. Midweek, gallop 1 mile, walk for a few minutes, then gallop another 1/3 mile. Ride 20 miles in 3-4 hours.

Wk#8: Ride 2 hours at an average of 6-7 mph. Midweek gallop 1 mile, walk a few minutes, then gallop another 1/2 mile. Ride 25 miles in 4 1/2 hours.

Wk#9: Ride hard three days per week, and do ring work the other days for suppling. A long distance ride on the weekend.

Wk#10: Increase your sprints to 2 mile sessions. Ride three days per week. Ride 10-12 miles in an hour.

Wk#11: This week either ride long, or ride fast. Sprints are good to build wind. Work at pacing about 9-10 miles per hour.

Wk#12: Ride three days this week, but work mostly on spuppling exercises and give the horse a few days off before the ride.

This program has you moving way faster than I want to go....~E.G.


  1. mmm...I usually don't plan to do any much over a trot during conditioning rides. I have a tendancy to over-condition so I try to go slower than I think I should.

    I don't ususally ride at all the week before a ride and definately don't do any conditiong rides the weekend before.

    Wow - average 9-10 miles an hour? That would be hard to do if you have techincal terrain.

    It must work for some people, but I dont think I would chose this particular program for myself.

  2. I think it's for if you are going out to win. But I would still give a week off before the ride. So you have a very fresh horse.

    Michelle Detmer
