Green Bean Tack (yeah, really!)
A Green Bean official t-shirt
We are working the snags out of our bridle/ mane & rider tags. That process is going to need a little work, but they are cute, small, and useful.
Future things in the works for the group: fleece vests, possibly tights, helmet covers, & jackets.
Besides all of that we organizing over a hundred TEAM & INDIVIDUAL riders again for 2016. Green Bean is the happening place ☺ (also known as: my part time job by hubby).
And if you are reading this and are a new rider in the sport (less than 1000 combined AERC recorded LD/ENDURANCE miles) we invite you to join the fun and great social support of our group. We have TEAM competition (5 riders/any number of horses) and INDIVIDUAL (one rider/one declared horse). We have a whole bunch of fun for the $10 sign up fee. Flash prize drawings for tack, and other fun stuff, year end awards in both of our ride venues, but most of all WE CARE ABOUT YOU♥. We want you to find your mentor, build a friend network, ride your rides knowing a big old friendly group are cheering you on (even if you flub up) (we all do eventually). If you are on the fence...hop on down, visit our web page and Get your RIDE on!
"My Green Bean experience has been the best since I started the sport almost eight years ago. I went several years without much of a social net at rides I attended. I'm an introvert (to put it mildly) and it was just hard for me to interject myself on people at rides. I had a few contacts I was always glad to see, but no "real" endurance friends. Since Green Bean I worry about missing other beans at rides. I've added to my personal ranks fantastic, positive, interesting people that help me grow in the sport. Green Bean has helped me to separate the wheat from the chafe as far as long term riders in the sport. You find out quickly who has your groups best interests at heart. We have some great people out there in support of what we are doing. (Thank you) We have business entities offering to sponsor our group. It is wonderful (exhausting *LOL*) and the best thing I've ever been lucky enough to be a part of (thank you Jillane Baros for entrusting me with this group). And more than ever, the rock steady support , as well as technical genius of Debra Moe of whom it would be be but naught without). " ~ Jacke Reynolds
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