October 27, 2013

A condemnation of FEI

 Full article is here.

"It is hard to nail down the official number of equine deaths in the 2011-12 endurance racing season, but unofficial estimates suggest around 80. That means there were probably more.
The International  Equestrian Federation (FEI) recorded nine deaths in international events alone in the Group VII area that embraces the Middle East and North Africa.
The following season, 13 horses died in Group VII international competition. There are nine regions that hold endurance races worldwide, so the general pattern is a worrying one."  

The AERC embracing FEI in the current climate of drugging and death is troubling.

1 comment:

  1. This is unnerving to me. I am doing my first ever FEI endurance ride (on someone else's horse) in two weeks. Stats like this scare me.
