April 27, 2012

All that glitters isn't gold in the Kingdom of Mare

 Spring in the Kingdom of Mare is a beautiful place. 
 With blooming tall beardeds known only here (as I bred them myself)
 And where things that glitter are sometimes golden.
 And sometimes vibrant, deep, and delectable....
 Misty and mysterious...
  Or somehow serene, like clear ocean waters.
 Tender sweet lettuces grow, crisp, and delicious!
 Blooms are abundant and fragrant.
 Or just softly pretty.
 Turnips thrive.
 Green onions too.
 And a refurbish/re-use project with a discarded pallet produces all kinds of loveliness.
 Porch grown herbs ready for the clipping.
 Siren songs explode.
 Soup and garnish ready herbs...
 and more herbs....
And more herbs....
But that which is truly golden grazes muzzle deep in the green grass of the Kingdom of Mare.


  1. So you find time to ride ... when? If we had grass like that, I would never get weight off my mare! Beautiful flowers.
    Bionic Cowgirl
