March 31, 2012

Heat Bumps ? Friction Bumps?

Remember last year when I tried the Abetta with Journey and she broke out in some kind of horrible hive like bumps all over her back?  I switch to the Crestridge and it all resolved to be seen no more until this week.  She shed out her winter coat and we last worked on getting her average speed up to about 7 mph on the flats for a third of a mile at a time.  Post ride that evening her back was sensitive and by morning those little hive-like bumps.  Not as bad as last year, but even with three full days off she was sensitive to the brush last night.  To say I am concerned is a serious understatement.  Not sure if it is heat? Friction? I've sent entry money in for four rides, scheduled up vacations out the wazoo for the next few months, put all new tires on the horse trailer, AND BOUGHT A NEW TRUCK so LSEGH could reliably drive all over creation to crew for me without having to camp.  I mentioned yesterday that I have a wool pad on order and this situation is what prompted that.  I'm saying a prayer to the mysterious endurance mo-jo powers that be....PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME AGAIN.  Please.  I'll crawl through the dirt, tattoo endurance icons on my skin, I'll light a ceremonial torch, I'll sacrifice a cat (well-not really but you get my drift).  ~ E.G.


  1. ACK!! All fingers crossed for a simple answer, quickly found!

  2. I don't know about bumps (though soap sensitivity could be the problem there). But I've definitely had friction burn with both of my horses at various times with different saddle/pad combinations. The thing that has really fixed it with my mare is a Christ sheepskin pad with NO inserts. It turned out that the inserts, combined with a tacky tack type of fabric lifted the saddle away from her enough that the saddle was moving from side to side and causing the burns. Going to the sheepskin without the inserts fixed the problem completely. So I think it's possible that your new pad could sort things out. Worth trying anyway!

  3. i've had both heat bumps and soap burns on horses and what you described sounds like heat bumps. i hate those but you did the right thing - you bought wool. that's the only way to go, at least for the horses i've ridden. soap burns cause a big reaction when you sponge a horse after removing the saddle. i'll double rinse the pad every time from now on, as well as using the tiniest amount of soap possible. i've experienced problems with the shim inserts for skito pads too, causing wither rubs. i feel so bad about the pain i've causes horses due to my own ignorance. there's nothing worse than a hurting horse because of something i directly did wrong.
