November 24, 2012

Another ride on Amir

I traveled north to Marti & Dave's place again today.  Marti is working with a young warmblood named Derby.  Derby is just now being put under saddle and today was her third ride, but first time out in the open (outside the structure of the round pen).  She's going to be a really nice horse.  Very level-headed about stuff.  Now Amir on the other hand was full of himself to the point of bursting out of the seams!  I was kind of glad we were just putting around the farm yard.  I met a new CMO'er named Jeanne and she's a hoot!  A case of instant like ☺  It was a fun day.  Next CMO business will be the banquet in February in Illinois to which I've been offered a ride, and to share a room.  How nice!