Having been side lined for awhile now, trying to get over what ails me...I so miss my horse time. For the longest time I've wanted to have some "fun stuff" to do with my horses at home. I've pretty much made up my mind that doing anything in the future that includes heat and humidity just isn't going to happen. EVER. So I've been looking at a lot of "do it yourself" obstacles and am longing for some jumps, and a pole bending course. I also don't want to break the bank doing it, as there still is that "no truck" worthy of pulling thing right now. So in my travels across Pinterest, I found some fun do it yourself projects that I felt were worthy of linking out to.
The Other Horse has a cool little project to building some great little jumps using scrap lumber. I have one area of the pasture (tongue firmly in cheek as it rarely grows grass) that would be a great place to set up two or three jumps.
North Carolina Cowgirl presents the first project I hope to take on with a low-cost pole bending set. She uses paint buckets, PVC for poles, and concrete for weighting the bases. She says she spent like $40 for it, compared to close to $300 to purchase ready made.
I absolutely love the ladder obstacle, a certain spotted horse would possibly learn to watch where she is placing her pretty little hooves.
In the past I've used ground poles for many purposes, laying them in patterns for backing exercises, in a box to practice tight controlled turns in small spaces, and raising them for cavaletti work. Landscaping timbers are great for this, they are low cost and treated so they hang in there a good long while.
Time for this old gal to get back on my horse ♥
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